Speech therapy is so much more than what most people realize! A Speech Language Pathologist (the long official name for a Speech Therapist) not only assists patients with their ability to communicate, but they help them understand communication, understand appropriate social communication, and treat feeding and swallowing disorders.
Here are some very basic signs parents can look for to see if speech therapy might be needed for their child.
Babies / Toddlers:
Not babbling by 4-7 months. (ba-ba, ma)
Lack of gesturing by 7-12 months (wave bye-bye, clapping)
Issues with verbal requests by 1-2 years (put that down)
Minimal two-word phrases by 1.5-2 years (“more juice”)
Trouble making the k, g, f, t, d, and n sounds by 2-3 years
Trouble making any sounds after 3 years
Talking very little by 2-3 years
Difficulty swallowing, eating, or chewing
Children / Teens:
Irregular tongue use while making sounds
Struggles with directions and questions
Low reading speed or comprehension
Trouble recognizing and decoding words
Unexplained academic struggles
Repeating words or parts of words
Cognitive or Developmental Delays
If your child shows any of these signs they may need Pediatric Speech/Language Pathology.
By far, most therapy needs are discovered by parents noticing something unusual or having a concern for their child. If you are unsure if your child needs speech therapy, check with your child’s doctor, or schedule a free screening with one of our incredible pediatric speech language pathologists.