For years, Rehab Specialists of Idaho has been providing physical and occupational therapy services to students in the classroom, through partnerships with Madison School District, Jefferson School District, and Fremont School District.
Children who qualify to see our therapists and therapy assistants during school hours are those with a diagnosed disability (as defined by IDEA) who need special education and related services to meet unique learning needs.
Physical Therapists
School-based physical therapists are part of a team of related service providers who support a student’s ability to access his/her educational environment. For physical therapists, as specialists in movement, they assist a student’s physical participation in a variety of settings throughout the school day.
Occupational Therapists
According to the AOTA, occupational therapists in schools support a student’s ability to participate in desired daily school activities or “occupations.” They help children to fulfill their role as students by supporting their academic achievement and promoting positive behaviors necessary for learning. School OTs support academic and non-academic outcomes, including social skills, math, reading and writing, behavior management, recess, participation in sports, self-help skills, prevocational/vocational participation, transportation, and more.
Currently Rehab Specialists of Idaho has 12 incredible therapists who see students in schools for therapy. They are: Dillon Merrill, Seth Buck, Greg Barker, Liz David-Bowman, Brian Kingsford, Tyson Rothwell, Rebecca Anderson, Matt Daybell, Brooke Jackson, Darci Davis, Maggie Hope, and Ashley Winward. All of these therapists see patients in other RSI locations as well.
For many students, having the continuity of care (the ability to not have to switch therapy companies depending on the location) from school to the therapy appointments they have after school with their private insurance, provides them with the ability to reach their individual goals that much faster.
The 12 RSI therapists who provide therapy to students in their schools are crucial to the Rehab Specialists of Idaho team and to the success of our local students. Thank them next time you see them!