Feeding & Swallowing Therapy at MMH

Feeding & Swallowing Therapy at MMH

Over ten percent of the babies born in the United States each year are considered pre-term (before 37 weeks). Of those approximately 400,000 babies many have feeding and sucking difficulties. That’s where neonatal feeding & swallowing therapy comes...
Cardiac Rehab Fights the Odds for Patients

Cardiac Rehab Fights the Odds for Patients

Did you know? More than 30% of patients who have a coronary event will have a second and potentially fatal one? But there is hope!  Patients are 31% less likely to be re-hospitalized if they participate in cardiac rehabilitation. AND Patients are 26% less likely to...
Exercise Impacts on Academics

Exercise Impacts on Academics

Do you want your kids to do better in math? How about improving their concentration? Behavior? Reading? Spelling? Overall academic achievement?  The answer is not a pill. It’s not a magic app. It’s not even a mysterious fruit from Indonesia! The key to...