
Ask an RSI Expert
Today’s question is answered by Kathi Wright, MS, CCC-SLP–an RSI speech-language pathologist based in our Rexburg Pediatric Clinic and our Ashton Therapy Clinic.

Question: What exactly happens in the first speech therapy evaluation?

Answer: “I know that when you bring your child in for a speech and language evaluation that you are nervous as you are not sure what to expect. As therapists we look at the doctor referral and the information that is provided. From this information we will determine the testing that will be done. If the documents we receive state language delay, we will look at all aspects of language. If you say when you come that you are concerned with the way your child is saying things then we will also provide an articulation test with the language testing.

The age of your child will also determine what test we will do. However, as a speech therapist I will give any child over the age of 3 years old the articulation test if I am meeting them for the first time. This will help determine what type of goals are needed to help your child in his communication with you and others.”

If you have concerns about the speech or language of your child, give us a call to schedule a short free screening where one of our talented pediatric therapists can tell you if therapeutic intervention might be needed.
Rexburg: 208-359-9570 * Rigby: 208-228-0625 * Ashton/Island Park 208-652-7963.