
Ask an RSI Expert
Today’s question is answered by Warren Lake, PT, DPT, NCS–an RSI physical therapist based in our Rexburg Pediatric Clinic and in the Therapy Services clinic at Madison Memorial Hospital.

Question: My child has Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), would physical therapy benefit them?

Answer: “Physical therapy can be helpful for lots of children, including kids with autism. That said, not every child with autism will be a good candidate for therapy intervention. Some children struggle with the attention to learn new skills, and this may require training from a physical therapist for balance during hiking, riding a bike, increased endurance or other functional activities.

An evaluation by a physical therapist will help determine if there is a need, and good interventions to address problem areas. Other groups such as occupational therapy, speech language pathologist, or other providers, may also be good resources to address issues that children with ASD commonly work to improve.”

If you have concerns about your ASD diagnosed (or suspected) child, give us a call to schedule a free screening where one of our talented pediatric therapists can tell you if therapeutic intervention might be needed to help make life easier for your child AND yourself!
Rexburg: 208-359-9570 * Rigby: 208-228-0625 * Ashton/Island Park 208-652-7963.